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    Why Regular Tune-ups For Your Furnace Are So Important

    For many of you, not bothering with a regular maintenance contract for your furnace or HVAC unit may seem like money saved, especially if you have a relatively new one. The problem is, there is a fair chance that this will become a false economy and, in the longer term, […]


    The Importance Of Sound Electrical Wiring – DIY vs Using A Qualified Electrician

    Some of us have such poor DIY skills that we can’t even put up a shelf. However, there are some of us who feel we can turn our hand to anything, following the philosophy of “How difficult can it really be?”. That’s all well and good for many DIY tasks, […]


    How To Minimize Storm Damage To Your HVAC Unit Or Heat Pump

    If you live in an area that suffers from extreme weather conditions, and especially winter storms, the external element of your HVAC unit or heat pump, the compressor, is exposed to all the elements and, as a consequence, risks being damaged. However, there are some preventative measures you can take […]


    What Causes My Heater To Smell, Particularly As Though Something Is Burning?

    The answer to this question will usually depend on when you last fired up your heater or furnace. At the beginning of every winter, when you first fire up your heater or furnace, the changes are that dust will have accumulated over the summer, especially if you have had doors […]


    How Long Will A Furnace Or HVAC Unit Last? When Should I Replace One?

    Like too many things in life, there is no definitive answer to these questions as there are numerous variables that will need to be taken into account. However, there are general ‘rules of thumb’ that can be used to give you an indication of how long a furnace or HVAC […]


    Choosing The Right Air Conditioning System For Your Home

    There’s more to choosing the right air conditioning system for your home than meets the eye. For example, biggest isn’t always best, while a budget system could end up costing you much more in the long run. The first element that needs to be assessed is the size of your […]


    Why Your Furnace May Be Leaking Water And What To Do About It

    First off, we want to make sure that a call out of one of our engineers for a potential furnace water leak is necessary. No, this is not because we don’t want you to waste our time but, more important, we don’t want you to waste your money on an […]


    How To Tell It’s Time For Your Heating System To Get A Check Over

    The moment anything goes wrong with your home heating system, whether a furnace or HVAC unit, there is always a sickening feeling that follows. That feeling comes from the fear that the only possible outcome is going to be an extremely large and particularly unwanted repair bill or, even worse, […]


    Ever Wondered How Heat Pumps Work And Why They Are So Popular?

    In this instance, it is perhaps easier to answer the second part of the question first. Heat pumps are popular because after the initial outlay, they are very economical to run. It’s that simple. They are economical to run as they do not generate heat but, instead, they transfer heat […]


    A Cracked Heat Exchanger Can Be More Dangerous Than You Think

    It should go without saying, but gas furnaces should be checked over regularly for one major reason, and a lot of smaller ones as well. Gas is potentially lethal in the home and every effort needs to be taken to ensure that any gas-fired appliances are in safe working order. […]

